Discrete drums & VS users?? help

Rolf G Riley

New member
I have posted this in the drum section too, then I saw this section and figured this is where it belongs..apologies..

I'm hoping to pick up a few tips on using Roland VS units and discrete drums . I have a VS1880 and both discrete drum versions on back up cds. My problem is that i write and record at the same time and am used to jamming along wit a Boss DR 770 drum machine, putting down a guide guitar and then adding drum fills afterwards with the auto fill facility. Obviously this cant be done with discrete drums. I am currently using song arrange to put a 4 minute drum track together , based on a pattern I like. then I jam along on the guitar & record a guide guitar part. Then I am trying to add the fills etc afterwards. This is where it all gets really difficult & things dont match up.

My question is really ..How do you guys write and record with these things? Any different to me..? Any guidance appreciated.

I already posted on VS planet but got nowhere really. Thanks