direct box advice needed here!


New member

I'd like to use the behringer DI Ultra-G to feed the signal that comes out of my fender blues deluxe combo directly into my delta 44.

I want to know if I can disconnect the 12" speaker and replace it with the DI box. (wich would make my amp silent, that's my point)

I read in the manual that the DI can actually handle power amp out level signals by activating the input pad, but it also says you have to connect a speaker cabinet to the "DIRECT LINK" output of the DI box. I understand the power amp needs to be loaded to prevent damage from occuring, and that the DIRECT LINK output is just directly connected to the attenuated input of the DI, and I'd like to know if I can plug a standard 8 ohms resistor in series on the "DIRECT LINK" output of the Ultra-G to simulated the impedence of the speaker. I thought I could solder a jumbo sized high quality 8 ohms resistor (jumbo size to keep it from melting if the output is too hot) between the tip and ring of a mono 6.5 jack connector.

This would load the power amp with an 8 ohms charge just as the speaker would, but the system would remain silent (which is what I want)

Do you think there's any risk with this procedure?

Thanks for your help!
It could work , but it will sound like ass...... You need some sort of speaker simulator to get a useful sound.....

I was expecting someone to point out at speaker simulation:

Once the sound is in the box , I'll then use my secret weapons: iZotope Trash or Revalver.

And the Ultra-G has a built in analog speaker simulator, I think the Red Box by huges and Kettner has got something similar too.

So you think the 8 ohms resistor could do the trick? maybe I'll need a capacitor and a self too to match the caracteristics of a real loudspeaker. Any clues about it?
I`d buy one of these , but for some technical help, try this forum .
It is a Marshall forum, but there is a couple of very knowledgeable guys who can help you, I`m sure.
