Different track input level in cubase 8?


New member
Hi all,

I am currently trying to go from cubase 7 to cubase 8, and trying some project created with 7 I got a completely different mix! It looks like gain staging is all wrong, input tracks are not hitting plugins right and the result is terrible. Do you know how that could happen and how it could be restored to the original gain levels?
Hello Laimon,

I moved your thread to the Cubase forum.

Not sure if related in any way here, but when I upgraded to Cubase 8 I had a bunch of strange issues. It came down to needing to delete Preferences for Cubase 7 (also Cubase 6) then deleting Prefs for Cubase 8 so that it would create a fresh set. Evidently C8 will try to use the previous versions settings and it causes complications.

Other than that, I haven't had any issues with loading C7 projects in C8. Though I also only had a couple of projects that I did that with.