Cubase 10.5 problems with outputs

You mean you can hear the mic with direct monitoring off? You mean the monitoring function on the interface, or the monitoring function in the strip on screen with the button next to the record enable?
There is no direct monitor button on my interface steinburg UR28M an I have the direct monitoring off on track index an can't hear my out put ,I wanna record without direct monitoring engaged? An if you can resolve my issue I can cash app or PayPal you some money thanks in advance
Sorry? Confused now. You have the Cubase monitor turned off???? Surely this is exactly what the software monitoring button is for? Anyway - I still have 10.5 on my system, I'm on 12 Pro now - if you want to hear an input without using the direct button, the only other option is the L listen button above the fader in the mixer screen -this usually lets you listen to things you have put on the input channel, and does not send the signal to the selected channel fader, like the monitor button does, next to the record enable button.

Does the normal monitor button not do something? The listen workaround is sort of the same thing though? Maybe what makes the other normal solution not acce[table for you will be the same? It is the only other way to monitor the input that I know about?