Converting Vinyl to MP3 data


New member
Doining a little research on the web it explained that I need an AD/DA converter connected to my turntable then to a recording program on my computer. My question is can I use my MOTU 1224 as the AD/DA converter? I'm tired of wasting CDRs for this type thing.

Anybody familiar with this sort of thing?

yes you could john it has a 24 bit conveter in it consider you have that you should beable to obtain a decent conversion all tho true audiophiles love there vinyl
If I were you I would also use a Phono Preamp and output from the Phono preamp into your Motu as a Turn table doesn"t put out a Line level signal nor does it put out a Mic level signal so a Proper Phono preamp (even the ones in a stereo reciever) would go a Long way towards getting the best Possible Transfers from your Turn table to your PC.....

I have converted over 200 albums using my Sound Blaster Audigy line in. A Sony turntable with a built in pre-amp. And I used Audacity as the recording software. I would record each album as one track in Audacity. I would then use the amplify plug in, in Audacity to bring up the overall volume without clipping. Then I would save the wave file and then open it in a program called Wave Editor which allows you to easily slice up the long wave file into seperate songs and name them in the standard music media format. Wave Editor was designed for recording vinyl but it lacks a amplify feature to raise the overall volume of the songs. I could do it by raising the input gain, but I found it so much easier to leave the input level at 75% and let the amplify plug in do the maximizing. Audacity and Wave Editor are free. I paid $100 for the turntable. The turntable did its job well. I could have bought a pre-amp for my 30year old 40 pound Pioneer P5 turntable. But sound wise the Sony did damn good. I then did the same with about 100 cassettes. The results I obtained sound better than store bought cd's of the same songs. Im my opinion. The bass and mids are so much better.
We have a Stanton Turntable with spdif outputs. Then run it through Sound Soap for a little clean up. Works great. ART makes a phono pre / AD converter that's pretty cheap as well.