Control surface confusion


New member
I'm looking at buying a Behringer BCF2000 control surface to help me with my mixing. I already have a Delta 44 card for input, I do not use MIDI, i have no MIDI input and do not intend on buying one. I simply wish to use the behringer through the USB. I'm using Cool Edit 2.0 at the moment and i want to know if i will be able to use the behringer simply to control the mix (i also wish the motorized faders to work!).

Am i going down the wrong track or will i be able to purchase the behringer, plug in and play?


The BCF2000 should work fine with your software but only if your software has a midi controler option.I do recommend using it with USB. The BCF2000 is very helpful when it comes to mixing. The BCF2000 has 8 100mm motoized faders that work!! Again, Make sure that Cool Edit has a midi control option, if it doesn't than chances are the BCF2000 will not work. It would be helpful to know which operating system you are using.The BCF2000 will probably be a little more complicated than just "plug in and play" but once it gets up and running its a great unit. Hope this helped.
Having recently bought a BCF 2000, it isn't really a plug it in and go device. Behringers documentation is pretty shoddy to say the least. Once I got it up and configured right though, it really isn't that bad. Time will tell how the build quality is though. Check to see if Cool Edit offers mackie emulation. If so it should work really easily once you get the right midi driver (for the BCF2000 USB connection) and the right firmware installed. I could not get most of it to work when I tried to set it up as a generic remote in Cubase SL. As soon as I got it set for Mackie Control though all of the features seemed to work really well. I still haven't been able to figure out though how to change the assignments as a Mackie Control enmulator:(
Thanks for the help. I deided to bite the bullet, and ditched cool edit for a copy of CakeWalk, as this seems the next logical step for multi-tracking software. I know the behringer is more compatible with this as well, so once i have the money i'll get one, as there's nothing that can match it for the price.


leesrubberroom said:
Thanks for the help. I deided to bite the bullet, and ditched cool edit for a copy of CakeWalk, as this seems the next logical step for multi-tracking software. I know the behringer is more compatible with this as well, so once i have the money i'll get one, as there's nothing that can match it for the price.



is it? i remember reading many many posts about people complaining about how the behringer unit did not work well with cakewalk products. way too many patches and firmware updates to worry about for me. i'm not knocking either company as i'm an avid cakewalk user myself. maybe the situation has been corrected since
The BCF2000 isn't the most easy controler to set up, but it's worth it once it's up and running. Your other controler options are at least $300.00 more than the BCF2000.