compressor in or out

If by "the same thing" you mean "does it reduce the dynamic range" then to some extent, yes. The applications of the two are totally and completely different (you can't put a compressor plug on a track and hope to control the dynamic range of the input level -- That said, much of the time when people use an outboard unit on the input chain they're screwing up their gain staging too).

Is one better than the other... "It depends" -- On everything.

I think we've hit our "unanswerable thread" limit for today - And it's so early yet...
Until you start to really know what you're listening for, yes, they do the same thing.

But in reality they can be really different. Until you get a good amount of experience with the ones built into cubase, I wouldn't worry about external for a while. Keep it simple.

Learn to use the built in one and become familiar with threshold, ratio, attack, release, and gain, then when you think you need something else start researching individual external comps.