Community projects?


COO of me, inc.
Wasn't there a sort of community project here a while back where one person put up a track and someone would add a second track, and so on.. ? IIRC, someone around here asked about this some months ago. Several responded saying they remembered and/or were a part of it and had some recordings of some of that stuff. Anyone still have an interest in this sort of thing?
I don't recall that particular project.

I do recall a couple of songwriting projects many years ago. One was where people put up words for songs. They were then paired with somebody else who had to write the music and record the song.
I'm not sure of the participation involved in those earlier collabs. Someone else here was asking about this kind of stuff several months ago and one of our long-time members recalled it and said they still had the CDs from it. I'll root around and see if I can dig that one up.