Recording Engineer
I've thought for a while now that wouldn't it be more natural sounding to use onmis when close miking drums (even in live sound reinforcement) do to no proximity effect? I've heard people say that omnis actually give more directly so to speak do to the inverse square law (although I've not experiented comparisons myself). I know many people feel that the EV RE-20 is one of the best sounding mics for bass drum (myself included) because it sounds the most natural of carioids do to the next to nothing proximity effect because it is a multi-entry mic. I don't know... Is there something I'm missing? Obviously in a live situation, you'd use cardioids for overheads and maybe use a cardioid if you prefer to mic the bass drum on the outside of the drum on either side, but why not use omnis on the drums close miked? As a matter a fact, why not use omnis on all instruments (on the louder side) close miked if the sound you're looking for is the sound coming out of your the instrument (at least the most natural a mono miking can get). Also, obviously a lot of times we're not looking for the most natural sound and love that proximity effect for coloration, but why not use omnis when we are?