"Choices" - overall eq question


Well-known member
"Choices" - overall eq question


i'm remixing this one now...
i plan on bringing the drums further forward, dialing in the bass freqs better, and getting rid of a bunch of the harmony vocals.

i didn't like the edginess of the electric guitar parts,
and have some ideas about new tracks..
any nits on that, or other mix elements, is appreciated.
Damn that's loud! What's the EQ question? It's all very bright and little splash cymbal is well, splashy. The tons are very wide - drummer's point-of-view.
Sounds really good IMO. The hard panned hi-hat on the left side seems a bit out front to me.

hey bleed,
thanks for the comments!

hi hat, i'm gonna have to listen to that..
when i got the drum tracks, the overheads were not captured the best, and the hi hat was too hot thru the overheads...
i've played with bringing the OH's in tight, wide panned, favoring the right, but i pretty much have to deal with the tracks as they came,
so i'll tweak that some more.
Damn that's loud! What's the EQ question? It's all very bright and little splash cymbal is well, splashy. The tons are very wide - drummer's point-of-view.

heheh, well mjb,
it WAS mastered at a pro house for, at that time, competitive levels..

but the original non mastered tracks were probably about -22rms average,
and probably about 14DR....

the drums, were recorded at a different studio by a different engineer,
and as it is, some of the overheads were a little washy, like you suggest...
i had to mix around that...
in this case, on this particular set of tracks, i'll probably have to diminish the overheads, and beef up the individual drum tracks;
normally, i like to mix the overheads as the main sound, eq them just right, then fill in with the individual drums.
on this one, i'll end up doing just the opposite.

people LOVE the side tom mix..
i've had more positive feedback on that, than any other aspect of the drum mix.
so, on the fence about changing that.

a LOT of classic rock drum mixes do toms that go hard left to hard right....
and no one but drummers know about 'drum perspective'

i usually mix from drummers perspective, tho, i can't help it, that's how i hear it....
it blew my eardrums out so i really regret clicking the link. i hope i don't have hearing damage.
Have you taken it down now? I was curious about how loud this would be!
Have you taken it down now? I was curious about how loud this would be!

my headphone monitor was on 7 o'clock, and i had to rip the headphones off quickly!

sorry gonzo. i don't mean to be a pain. i just wish people gave warnings because i don't always remember to turn things down before clicking links. maybe this will remind me.

we should make "warning: used a limiter" a common courtesy to others.
Have you taken it down now? I was curious about how loud this would be!

hey jdod,
yes, i'm already working on the new mix.
this one is toast!!


curious about volume?

no louder than a typical pro release, in fact, not as loud for sure....

for example, to put things in perspective,
adele's most recent album "25" has a dynamic range of only 5.

this tune is 7.

my headphone monitor was on 7 o'clock, and i had to rip the headphones off quickly!

sorry gonzo. i don't mean to be a pain. i just wish people gave warnings because i don't always remember to turn things down before clicking links. maybe this will remind me.

we should make "warning: used a limiter" a common courtesy to others.

this was professionally mastered,
so what you were listening to is a finished product off of a previously released album on the 'Planet Records' label,
now defunct.

if you put this up against any modern rock release,
it will be quieter in comparison.