Cooking With Seeker

GF forbade me from drinking wine a year ago, complaining that it kept me up all night. Sex is off the table. Enjoy yourself Seeker!
I need to find a girlfriend like that which was my ex-wife. She had so many habits that annoyed me and Vice versa. However 2 years before she fell out, I drank like a bird, to the point where 1 Digfish head beer or a generous glass of wine (only one, mind you) and I was relaxed and good for the night. I’d quit cigarettes then cigars completely 4 years prior but had a family to do it for. Now the family is split and I tend to be self-destructive…not completely like when younger, but yeah, a little bit more than I should.

You’re lucky you have a GF like that. My last one and still on/off is the 35 yo ex stripper for the last 5 years. She is a wonderful human being and good friend but anyone who’s dated a stripper or ex- dancer knows that most (not all) of them are party animals so it’s hard not to indulge when you are with them 24/7.
Idk. It’s Chicken Florentine with Seeker variants that will probably leave a smelly fucking piss, less liver damage than would’ve occurred otherwise; and happy taste buds. It is a meal with all kinds of good stuff in it.
My piss is going to be cloudy as fuck and smell like festering roadkill tomorrow but I really should get more asparagus in my diet. It is delicious, as are carrots, chicken, spinach and bread in minced garlic olive oil. I done good as a food cook tonight 🤟

If GPAT sniffometer was further developed and more widely downloaded I would’ve capture the fragrances and posted
Idk. It’s Chicken Florentine with Seeker variants that will probably leave a smelly fucking piss, less liver damage than would’ve occurred otherwise; and happy taste buds. It is a meal with all kinds of good stuff in it.
Fig infused Balsamic Vinegar is awesome! If you can't find it, PM me. I'll send you a sample bottle.
Fig trees grow down here easily so I could probably make it myself if I had a recipe. Fresh figs are awesome…fresh Mangos, abacados, Starfruit, citrus…this should probably go in the gardening thread
Btw, any vampires looking to scout my .012 bac blood tonight think again. I’ve eaten enough garlic to ward off Nosferatu himself.

I may post some more of these and focus on ‘the things I used to eat when I was broke,’ One thing my BP/BFF threw together one time with a few ingredients we had was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a bowl with Campbell’s vegetable soup over the top. I don’t think he mixed a full can of water with the soul so it was a little thicker. Nourishment for poor musicians aspiring to be genitally-diseased carrying, limousine-riding, gajillionaires. It was pretty damn good, too
Much of that wine was consumed but I don’t feel bad. Maybe the antioxidants in the asparagus and garlic and spinach are to thank for that
Looks good. Those limes for fresh squeezing over the top? Careful with cross contamination from that raw chicken.

I quit drinking about 3 am this morning.

I actually took a toke last night, first time in years. It doesn't really agree with me. Got all blabber mouth, obsessive. Took to cooking...

Skinned and de-boned some chicken thighs I had in the fridge. Cut the skin into 1/2" squares and started them low in a bit of canola oil to render the fat and make cracklings. Cut sweet potato into juliennes and flash fried in some of the rendered fat, to make sort of a crisp basket thing. Dusted the de-boned thighs in a mixture of flour & cornstarch, light salt and pepper, into a small cast iron skillet with some of the fat. Made sweet & sour sauce. Steamed a small head of broccoli crown. As I am prone to do, served the wife and for is food. Neither meal was one might call health food, but satisfying to both.

The cracklings, I had a few, but the majority will go to the dogs to get them to eat their high dollar healthy n tasteless chunks. A little find the cracklings and they'll finish the bowl.
Oh, and I simmered the chicken bones. Will poach the remaining chicken in the broth, then shred. Under the broiler roast some tomatoes, a wedge of Vidalia onion, couple cloves of garlic, jalapeno, and into the whizzer with some of the reduced stock to make a sauce. Sauce goes into a pot, chicken goes into the sauce to warm, and in goes freshly fried tortilla chips. At service, some fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime. Chilaquiles, Mexican comfort food. I might poach some eggs in the sauce before the chicken and chips go in, maybe.
Yeah, pretty damn good. Works well, low & slow, piece of cake. I know it's not healthy, and don't do it often, but cooking in the rendered fat is the primary purpose, cracklings the bonus byproduct.
I took about 5 times earlier today, way more than I usually do. I feel high but not stoned. Buzz is kinda meh but ima watch Point Break (regular rotation movie) and see if can relax and enjoy
That's the problem with me. It doesn't make me chill and relaxed like I'd wish, or it used to. Definitely could not sit and watch a movie. Makes me focus on productive things I should be doing, should have done, procrastinated from doing. Beat myself up over it. Get panicky. Back in the mid 90s before I'd ever heard of it or it was a thing had a not so nice experience. Panic attack, thought I was gonna get a heart attack and die, wife find me dead next to her in the bed. I don't know how many people realize this, inside your body there's like a whole mess of tubes and stuff, they quit working right and things can get bad, quickly. Yeah, I went there. Second time of getting to bed and attempting to go to sleep, my heart raced, my stomach sank, which caused my heart to race. Had to wake the wife, didn't want her finding me next to her dead in the bed the next morning. She called the ambulamps. By the time they arrived I was fine. Felt silly. They asked if I had done any drugs, you know what they were thinking, and it wasn't pot. Different times, I didn't cop to anything. A few similar episodes since, but once I recognized what it was I realized I wasn't going to die, just having a panic attack, I could almost control it. It's never happened other than times I've smoked pot. Simple solution, don't smoke pot, so I don't. It doesn't agree with me. Wife says newer strains are different, won't cause you to feel creepy. Last night, it was alright, had a task to get really intensely focused on, cooking. The feeling, meh, I don't miss it. Kind of a stupid buzz. I'd rather just drink beer, not that it doesn't make you stupid as well, but more of a sane stupid, I reckon.
That's the problem with me. It doesn't make me chill and relaxed like I'd wish, or it used to. Definitely could not sit and watch a movie. Makes me focus on productive things I should be doing, should have done, procrastinated from doing. Beat myself up over it. Get panicky. Back in the mid 90s before I'd ever heard of it or it was a thing had a not so nice experience. Panic attack, thought I was gonna get a heart attack and die, wife find me dead next to her in the bed. I don't know how many people realize this, inside your body there's like a whole mess of tubes and stuff, they quit working right and things can get bad, quickly. Yeah, I went there. Second time of getting to bed and attempting to go to sleep, my heart raced, my stomach sank, which caused my heart to race. Had to wake the wife, didn't want her finding me next to her dead in the bed the next morning. She called the ambulamps. By the time they arrived I was fine. Felt silly. They asked if I had done any drugs, you know what they were thinking, and it wasn't pot. Different times, I didn't cop to anything. A few similar episodes since, but once I recognized what it was I realized I wasn't going to die, just having a panic attack, I could almost control it. It's never happened other than times I've smoked pot. Simple solution, don't smoke pot, so I don't. It doesn't agree with me. Wife says newer strains are different, won't cause you to feel creepy. Last night, it was alright, had a task to get really intensely focused on, cooking. The feeling, meh, I don't miss it. Kind of a stupid buzz. I'd rather just drink beer, not that it doesn't make you stupid as well, but more of a sane stupid, I reckon.
I get the same effect these day days and wish I didn’t. I would LOVE to smoke wee and not drink but weed is just a light spice for my love of the drink

Im not gonna live forever and I’m good with that
No carrots this time but another chicken dish with a sauce, this time a mushroom reduction and asparagus on the side. Cooking with Seeker 🤟
I bought some skirt steak at this local Central American market down the way (I live in a predominantly Central American neighborhood including my neighbors). Prices for food are cheap. Nothing really prepared or microwaveable, but fresh ingredients everywhere to make stuff. I bought a $1.50 catfish fillet I grilled the other night and a big ass piece of skirt steak I need to grill tonight. I have some bottled chimichurri I got at Walmart that is mediocre at best so ima take a stab at making it fresh (without a food processor). I have two bunches of garlic, a bunch of fresh parsley, two bunches of cilantro, vinegar, olive oil, and crushed red pepper. I’ll take some pics one I get to mincing.