cheapest online condenser microphones


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No, it's true...Radio Shack is gay! In fact, the whole consumer elctronics industry is gay. The steel mills and the aerospace industry have been gay for quite some time now. I suspect that telecommunications is a little light in the loafers too, but I'm not's just a hunch.
My first mixer was a RadioShack 4 mic/line mixer. It was powered by a 9-volt bat. You can't appreciate where you are if you don't look back where you've been.
im in the computer room, i was in the bathroom a while ago. you wouldnt believe how much i appreciate the air in here compared to in there! whew!!
Fishmed...I bought one of those also, back in the 70's, for a whopping $15. I thought "Oh boy, we can do some serious recording now".