Cheap Headset Mic


Boring Old Git
I know there are some others on here who do live sound stuff as well as home recording so I'll mention this.

I just took a punt and bought a couple of THESE for use with my Sennheiser radio mic packs. They arrived yesterday and I gave them a good try out today. They're a bit toppy but it was easily cured with EQ--and once you've done that they sound absolutely fine.

They're not a DPA or Countryman but, for the money, they're darn good and make headsets a disposable item (which is good since even the expensive ones are pretty fragile). This is from the Aussie eBay site but, since they come from China, I assume you can order from the USA or UK. Buyer experience was good--got an email same day as I'd ordered confirming they'd been posted and they arrived in just under a week rather than the "up to 3 weeks" they say.

Anyhow, just mentioning in case it helps anyone.
Yeah, and they're a lot less than $700 for a 4088. Are they omni or cardioid? Did not see them for the Unipak, though.
For reference for anyone else reading this, they're omnis. Omnis are the norm for headset and lav mics in TV, theatre etc. though I could see that not being what you want on a loud rock stage. Their website shows are combinations of connector and mic type but obviously I can only comment on the ones I have.