cheap but quality usb 3 interface


New member
I posted on this forum about my computer woes. What would you suggest as a simple and inexpensive usb 3 interface. For now a two input with "adequate" mic pre's and two line inputs. I have decent stand alone mic pre's that will provide line outputs. I just need something that will get the signal into the DAW. As I referenced in a previous post I will get back to using my RME fireface, but for now, what low cost usb 3 interface will do the job? Help. Be well all. wrs
USB 2 is all you need. I've seen one USB 3, but really, USB 3 offers nothing more for audio (probably video capture and hard drive for increased throughput) to my knowledge as USB 2 give all one needs.

Maybe somebody else has researched and can say different.
Thanks David, usb 2 would be cheaper and for a temp fix til the Fireface is back in action on a real DAW. A An "economy" usb 2 may be the less expensive solution. I posted earlier (yesterday, Texas time :0 ) that I use the daw for mixing more than tracking but I would like to do some overdubs. Heck, I loved my audio buddy for quick ideas. I just want to get audio into my new lappy. Sorry for grammar and bad typing, it is early for me after a long night. Be well all. wrs.