CEP 2.0 Can't monitor my incoming track?


New member
I have got CEP 2.0, Windows Vista, and a PV6 mixer.

My problem is I can't monitor my incoming track. IE: When I am recording a track I can't hear what I am recording through the mixer. I can hear the backing stuff fine and anything I have already recorded but I can't listen to what the mic is picking up or line in or what ever it is I am doing without removing my headphones from one ear and just listening. Anyone have any ideas?
Yeah, stop using outdated antique software and buy Adobe Audition. With it, you can choose what you want to monitor and when.

(Sorry, Dude, but that's the reality of it. CEP 2.0 has not been for sale for what, 15 years now?)
Ya I have already followed that advice. I knew it was time to change it up and I got StudioOne and an AudioBox which allows for monitoring.
Too late now (I missed this thread) but a better solution would have been replacing your interface with one that offers direct monitoring. Trying to monitor with a round trip via your DAW is just asking for latency issues. CEP2.0 was actually a pretty good and very stable bit of software. Yeah, I've upgraded several times since for other features but monitoring issues wasn't one of them with any decent interface.