CD Architect 5.2 demo expired


I bought Soundforge 7 with CD architect 5.1 quite a while back. Then I did the free upgrade to 5.2 . Worked great for a short time and then I built a new computer and reinstalled from my 5.1 disc, then ran the upgrade to 5.2 . I don't know if I just forgot to enter my serial number or something, but recently I tried to use it again and it will just tell me that my trial period has expired and gives me a link to buy it. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling, looked through the registry for anything that sticks out, but no luck. I did however get it to install correctly on my other bootable drive where it has never been installed before (I have one XP Pro system drive for my audio work and a separate XP Pro bootable physical drive for general internetting, gaming, whatever) and so far it is working fine there. But it would be much more convenient if I didn't have to restart my computer everytime I want to lay out and burn a master.
Anyone have any ideas how to get back to square one so that the program thinks it is a new trial period so I can get in to enter my serial # ?