casio wk-3000 or 1800

New member
just a quick question i know the 3000 is larger number wise so i thought it would be better and got the 3500, but i was looking on froogle and the 1800 seems to be more expensive which do you think is better? i will use it to make beats
Just go with a Yamaha--the interfaces might not always be as good, but they more than make up for that in sample quality. I had an $80 Yamaha keyboard whose sound kicked the absolutely crap out of my WK-1630--and that thing cost almost $300.
I has personally heard a WK1800.... any budget Yamaha keybaord will sound better than that... not recommended.
The 3500 is more expensive. I love mine. You can't beat it for the price.

The 1800 has 130 Auto Rhythms and 232 Tones
The 3500 has 140 Auto Rhythms and 790 Tones said:
just a quick question i know the 3000 is larger number wise so i thought it would be better and got the 3500, but i was looking on froogle and the 1800 seems to be more expensive which do you think is better? i will use it to make beats

Why not buy an older sampler like an Akai S1000 (core sampler of the classic Public Enemy stuff) or something like a Roland R8. Both will cost about 200 bucks and blow any Casio out of the water.

I haven't tried the yamaha, but I just got the wk-3000 last weekend.I think the violin, sax, and strings sound excellent...very realistic.Good choir as well. Lots of extras and sampling too.
For one thing, the 3000 has midi in-out, but only phono headphone jack for audio out, the 3500 has left and right audio out as well as midi.
It works for me, as I bought it just for a bit off added texture to my tunes. So far, it surpasses my expectations, and am already building soungs around it. Good luck!
I play guitar and keyboards in a traveling classic rock band. Right before a gig in Dallas my Korg keyboard died. It was going to be about a month before they could fix it.
I needed a keyboard fast. For $399 I got the WK3500. The brass, strings, organ, and electric piano were so real sounding, people came up to me during the gig and asked where the horn and string section was.
It's not as good as my Korg but for 1/4 of the price it's pretty good.