burning cds


Well-known member
Baffled again (I baffle easy). I burned a track to a CD-R, and it played okay. I made changes to the track, saved it under a different name in Cool Edit, and then burned it to the same CD to compare. Problem: although it shows up in the track listing for the CD when the disk is in my CD-RW drive, it doesn't show up (or play) in my CD player. I haven't closed the CD, so that's not it. Any ideas?
I think that <is> it! How do you get any CDR to play in a regular CD player until you close the disc? They may play in a CDR/RW drive without closing the disc, but not in an ordinary CD player.
heheh...you have to close the cd... as drstawl has mentioned , also , make sure you burn onto a cd-r and NOT a cd-rw , for regular cd players catn read them...

- eddie -
Okay, sorry I've been slow on this. Here's the story:

* I'm using Adaptec Easy CD Creator as SW.

* I'm using CD-Rs.

* I burn tracks to a disk, and click on the option that allows me to burn tracks to the disk later on. The tracks play alright on my CD player.

* When I try to burn another track to the disk later on, the software goes through all the usual stages, but I don't get given the option of allowing me to burn tracks to the disk later on. Also, the track *doesn't* get burned to the CD, doesn't show up in the track listing on my CD player, and doesn't show up in Explorer.

Can you enlighten me on this? I want to be able to burn one or more tracks to a CD-R, and then be able to burn more tracks later on to the same CD-R.

BTW, I contacted adaptec.com support, but the registration procedure required of anyone wanting support was so cumbersome as to be prohibitive. (Yo, Dobro! We'll sell it to you, and promise support, and then make it real difficult to get support.) Wankers.

[This message has been edited by dobro (edited 11-24-1999).]
Don't get me started on Adaptec support. I still have a huge long-distance phone bill I had to pay for a full hour with some tech-support Bozo who was trying to convince me that my PII-450 was writing <TOO FAST>
for my CDR to keep up. Never mind that I'd already successfully burned CDs with this combo. The real problem turned out to be hardware related, but none of the diagnostic programs at my disposal showed this to be the case.
As to your problem- there are two separate options that allow you to add more tracks to a disk. Since you can play these disks in a regular CD player, I'd guess that you closed the disk. The other option is to close the session which is used when you want to create a disk that is part data and part audio. But I can't really say I've tried this. It's hard enough keeping track of my CDRs without having partials laying around. I suggest doing your comparisons at the .wav stage
and not burning partials at all.