Budget Condenser trouble


New member
Hi. I'm a bit of a beginner (a lot of a beginner). I'm now looking for a budget omnidirectional/multi-pattern condenser. I've had my eye on the CAD GXL3000, but could also push to a M179 (that i've seen on Ebay for $245 including postage from the US to the UK).

First off, what's the real difference between the 2 mics (I know the capsule in the M179 is 0.1" bigger, but i'm not sure how much difference it will make), and is it worth the extra money as i'm very tight!

Secondly, is there anything else the same price or cheaper that you would recommend?

Thanks in advance for any help!
The M179 is very well thought of. The M177 may be the same, without the option of multiple pattern pickup (thus it is cheaper). But if you can go with the M179, it may be the best choice/price ratio. People seem to love it.
Thats good. I might go for the M179 then. I'd still like to know what the difference is between the GXL3000 and the M179, and what difference the slightly larger capsule makes, more out of interest, so i know what to look (listen) for in when choosing a mic.

Also (again out of interest), what is the difference between an SM57 and an SM58? As i own an SM58, is it worth getting an SM57?
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leesrubberroom said:
Also (again out of interest), what is the difference between an SM57 and an SM58?
They sound and respond a little different because of the different housing (Ball, etc) but other than that... they are basically the same mic.
As i own an SM58, is it worth getting an SM57?
Maybe, it depends on what you're going to use them for... for example, I'd say yes if you were going to use it on a snare.
The Shure SM58 has a higher presence peak than the SM57, I imagine this was added to help vocals cut through a live mix better. The SM57 has a little more low end.

For recording purposes I prefer the SM57 over SM58 because it's got a little more bass & a slightly flatter response than the SM58.
leesrubberroom said:
Hi. I'm a bit of a beginner (a lot of a beginner). I'm now looking for a budget omnidirectional/multi-pattern condenser. I've had my eye on the CAD GXL3000, but could also push to a M179 (that i've seen on Ebay for $245 including postage from the US to the UK).

Watch out for import tax mate... it can push the price right up!