BR-1600 Drum Kit


New member
Hi All,

I've recently acquired the excellent BR-1600CD.
Being new to writing/sequencing/recording drum tracks, I have a quick q. re. using the onboard drum tools:

While I'm happy with the rhythms I'm producing, I'd like to produce a more meaty, full and natural sound from the drum kit. Has anyone experimented with seperating different elements (kick, snare, etc.) of the kit onto different tracks? I've not tried this yet, but I'm assuming you can record different, stripped-down patterns, bounce them over to different tracks, and then 'reconstruct' the kit allowing you to process different elements differently.

Has anyone either played around with this type of thing or have any suggestions for improving the drum sounds with the onboard kit?

thanx in advance,
Hmm.... think I overheard someone talking about this on .

Somebody said it took a long time, and a lot more work, but was more satisfying in the end.

Personally, when I use the drum machine, and it sounds too much like a drum machine, and not real enough I :

a. Provide some compressio, eq, reverb as needed to the recorded drum machine track

b. Set up a mic and actually record some room noise and symbol crashes, cowbell etc. overtop of the drum machine track

c. Add room noise, or anything to make it a little more lo-fi, and less robotic. Anything to make it real or more human.

Does this help at all ?
mattkw80 said:
a. Provide some compressio, eq, reverb as needed to the recorded drum machine track

Ditto. I've never felt the need to seperate drum tracks, I've always been happy with the stereo drum kit tracks with a little finessin' using some reverb and EQ.
The First Don said:
I hate drum machines. It makes the entire song sound like a robot.

I don't like to use them either, but If my drummer is on afternoon shift and I want to get a song done.... sometimes I will use them.

Often I will use them, and then remove them from a mix.

That way, the song will be on time, and the drummer can easily play a track over top.