Welllllll, I have been working with the UB Xa D (so I ma clear

for a couple of weeks. I really think it is pretty cool, tons of sounds and 100to XX potential output.
I am using it more or less like a VSTi. But, it is pretty cool. Example, it is 16 voices, I can split the voices into two. This is used for keyboard splitting. In the DAW, I send notes for the upper region through MIDI channel 3, for the lower region I send to MIDI channel 1. Since the synth splits the sound, I can then take two different patches and manipulate.
Also, if I have this chained, I can then "route" the MIDI notes from each region on to other instruments. Example on the upper, I routed it to MIDI channel 7 so that another instrument in the chain can be set to 7 and get the notes passed through. For the lower, I had it on MIDI channel 3 and that was routed. Now, I am in a DAW and don't need that, but I think if you were playing live, and had a full kit setup, it would be very helpful.
Sounds are enormous and I am still exploring. Based on some of the videos, I think there will be many great sounds. On my next album, I will probably overuse, but it is diverse enough where it won't be a drone. I setup my Tascam 1800 where channels 13 and 14 are the inputs, create an audio track (Ableton treats MIDI and analog sound differently), to capture the UB's output.
Pretty cool unit, I must admit I am screwing around with it more than recording, but it keeps me out of the bars and brothels. (I've been watching a lot of old westerns

It is doing what I hoped and giving new life to my old head.