bass v amp


New member
I have a Behringer bass v-amp, I play at a contemporary church, using no amp only have direct box out to the system, and I use a head set through an Aviom system, I was told I could not use the v amp because it is to noisy, when I play through a regular amp the v amp is not noisy, any reccomendations on what to do, because I love the Bass V-amp . thanks for the help. Leaderman
I'd suspect gains set too high or something? Bad channel on the mixer, bad direct box? Why do they think it's too noisy? Do YOU hear the noise, or are they just telling you its noisy? Is it interference, or ?? You could always just run the v-amp into an amp..
Nice sharing.....

Very great theme ! i really enjoy it, thanks a lot for sharing the different step of creation, very interesting to know !