bank changes wont work???


New member
i cant get cubase to read my sound module properly. im running a qsr. the banks dont change.
what am i doing wrong?

In all seriousness, do you set up a sound module like you would any synth that has banks and patches? When I set up my Kurzweil PC88, I ran into the same problem and it was in the way I had programmed the script editor. I didn't seperate the banks properly in the script editor.
i wounld never mean otherwize, the smartest donkey to ever walk the face of the earth of course, :D

as far as the script editor goes im not too sure. ive never really had to do any set up inside any other programs, it always worked fine.
what steps do i need to take to work this out in the script editor?
I wish I could tell you. I have never worked with a sound module before, and if it just plugged and played with other programs, then I may be leading you down the wrong path. With synths, unless they are recognized by Cubase, you have to set them up if you want to have all the names and the banks and patches easily accessable. Maybe someone with more info on sound modules can post on this here.

Also, you might want to check out the download area of the unit's manufacturer. If it is a script that is needed, some companies have them made up for their products and offer the file for free on their websites.
Good luck on it, I know stuff like this is frustrating when it brings the wheels of creativity to a grinding halt.
frustrating indeed. i dont even care if i have the names of the patches, as long as it work. thank you for everything though.
