Are the MAckies worth it?

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Are mackies worth it?
I am currently debating saving the extra for the mackie hr824 active etc...over the event 20/20 bas, Is it worth the extra (around a 1000$ can more here)
I know I'm gonna want them if i get the events and I know it takes time to get used to your monitors, so If I only got the mackies I wouldn't have to learn when i upgrade in the future. Well overall ya'll sense what i'm gettin at...Are the Mackies that much better, I'm very serious about this, and i feel it will help me acheive my goals better to have that extra bit better of a reference. is it worth it? I've had some suggestions to just get the mackies and do it right the first this true?
please help as soona s possible, because it's important I need to come to this comclusion in a few days.

God, tough call

I've used both, and traded my Event 20/20's in on the basis that I knew they would sound better based upon what others have said..

In retrospect, I'm not sure I would do it again...I'm having a hard time getting a grip on the Mackie's. I've heard a lot of people say a subwoofer is good with them.

I mean, they sound good...but my mixes were a little muddy...scratch that..actually, I was cutting treble cause they felt like I had too much high end in my mixes, and then when I got the CD home, I was boosting treble to compensate..

But you've got a nasty price variable there too...I got my mackies for only $400 more then my Events, so it was cheaper for me...I can't recommend the mackies for another $1000.

Go to for their nearfield monitor was pretty good - HR824 scored slightly higher, but the Event20/20's were top in the price/performance ratio.

word's born!

Thanks alot that makes me think a lil different... keep in mind if your in the states 400$ is about 800$ for me in canada. So bassically I'd be paying 500$ more than the events over in your land.

I'll read the reviews :) ;)


Aight, i just read it all, simply I'm SOLD!!!, the Mackies are MINE!!!!
hahahah I'm excited, thanks alot, this saves me alot of I just need to get a loan from the bank or something to buy them ;) Times like this I wish I had a colledge fund I could use. thanks again!

Also if any of you out there feel you've located a low price for the mackie hr824's wether in Canada or the States so I can get an idea if I'm paying to much or not when i buy them it would be appreciated, till then I'll be looking myself ofcourse.
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I read their reviews too, and they left out some damned fine monitors.
I have heard Mackies, NS10's (god forbid), Event PS6's, Tannoy Reveal purchase ended up being Reveals. But that was what pleased my ears the most. :D

Peace......ChrisO :cool:
ausrock said: purchase ended up being Reveals. But that was what pleased my ears the most. :D

Peace......ChrisO :cool:

Interesting...I listened to the 20/20bas against the hr824s and the difference in clarity (esp. in the low end) was pretty evident to me. I never got to try the Reveals...what made you choose them above the others ?
