Are people just being nice to me? need some hardcore honesty !


New member
EDITED: So I guess my post made it look like I was looking for attention, approval, and also trying to promote my videos...I'm not here to do that, so I'll just keep it short and to the point.

Just need to know where I stand skills wise as far as singing goes... What areas can I improve on, what my strengths are, weaknesses, etc.

I appreciate the help in advance
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I'm not doing that, but now that you guys put that way I can see how it can very much seem that way.
I will go ahead and delete the link and upload just an audio clip instead.

Oh and I had like 70 subs about a month go (got a shoutout from a big youtuber so his subscribers subbed to my channel because they are his fans)
Decent voice, you can sing. Few flat spots but not cringey. I'd prefer if you didn't slide up to notes. B.
Can't you tell?

Can you not listen to your own recording and know that you're going flat in a few places? It got pretty bad in the second half. Stopped listening.

Try playing just the voice... no music... back and see if you can tell then.

I don't particularly care for the tone of your voice, but don't let that stop you, I'm sure others won't mind it at all, and the habit of sliding up that ido1957 mentioned gets a bit much too.

Try just singing, without music, and recording that - doesn't particularly matter what - then run it against some pitch analysis software and you might see something. You can't fix it if you can't hear it. There's certainly the basis of a good singing voice there, but needs work. And please. Not Bohemian Rhapsody... :thumbs up:

Work on your pitch
Pretty much agree. Sounds like you haven't been doing it long, you're at a decent beginning and you just need to from here.
Youtube subscribers and a dollar will get you plain cheeseburger at mcdonalds.

That dollar could get you some YouTube subscribers too.

It'll also get you a tube of elmers glue and a box of kraft dinner. With all said and done, the macaroni art is the only one you can hang on your fridge. :D

Yeah, the flatness and sliding around the pitch on the recording is pretty rough. You'll definitely want to address that.
Thanks for the input. I'll work on pitch and not sliding up from note to note, which I haven't even noticed I was doing.

They ('they', I only had one coach grins..) taught me 'think it and sound it'. I.e. part of it is having it clear.. the notes of interest you might say.
After a while- and with that, you can think a pitch, your voice (body, throat whatever) sort of sets up for it, and you can pretty much nail it from the first peep.
What Armistice said: You need to understand your own voice and what you're doing or not doing right or wrong. I've recorded singers who didn't, or couldn't, hear that they were flat or sharp. Listen critically to yourself . . . that's a skill one needs to develop.
cant listen cos you removed the link,but if your struggling with pitch then maybe your internal sense of pitch is between the notes ?

could try grabbing a guitar,tuning a string till it feels right,make a quick recording of you singing over it ... if your pitch improves reach for a known accurate tuner and see where it lies ... bugger then is tuning your projects to that pitch

or reach for autotune :D
cant listen cos you removed the link,but if your struggling with pitch then maybe your internal sense of pitch is between the notes ?

could try grabbing a guitar,tuning a string till it feels right,make a quick recording of you singing over it ... if your pitch improves reach for a known accurate tuner and see where it lies ... bugger then is tuning your projects to that pitch..:D
'Can't hit them 'cause my sense of pitch is so strong'.
Ehh.. not buying it.
'Can't hit them 'cause my sense of pitch is so strong'.
Ehh.. not buying it.

lol me neither .. "the pitch is strong in this one"

relative pitch i suppose is based on the last thing you heard,perfect pitch is knowing what a pitch is before hearing it .. if the OP has perfect pitch then maybe,just maybe that above would help at least in identifying it ...

methinks without hearing it that maybe the backing instruments are off .. or the OP actually cant sing

autotune !