API + GML pres


New member
Hi all,

I'm thinking about getting either an API or a Massenburg pre. Any of you guys have either, or have you worked with either? What models exactly? What did you think of them? What did you chain consist of?


a little more info...

I'm looking for something to use in conjunction with an Otari MX5050 MK III reel to reel 8 track. The types of instruments I record are quite varied - acoustic guitar, electric, drums - African and regular, marimbas and others. The type of music I play is classical-ish. I was talking to a sound engineer last week and I told him that I was looking for new pres - he recommended API and Massenburg, just wondering if anyone else had any input. I also perform each instrument myself - so I dont think I'll be needing a full 8 pres.

Thanks guys.
craz said:
Hi all,

I'm thinking about getting either an API or a Massenburg pre.

They both make excellent stuff. I am not very familiar with their pres, but GML make the best sounding outboard EQ (short of a Pultec, maybe) I have ever heard. From what I know of the company, I would not imagine their pres are any less than great. What I would expect is a super clean, extremely accurate pre. This may or may not be what you are after.

API also makes an exceptionally clean pre, and would be well worth the money. I think the API would be more economical, but I would really like about them (for myself) is the ability to rack 8-10 of them in the same rack. Very cool.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Yeah, I'm kinda pre shopping too.
My style of music is very similar to yours, but I like to call it "Neo-Classical";) But I fully expect to record the odd rock band every now and again.

What I have pretty much decided on, based on my own research, is to go with the API 312's racked by Brent Averill (scroll down to the bottom of the page too see them.)

You can also buy his 6 or 11 slot racks with phantom power. I think what I'll do is go with his 6 unit phantom powered rack, and get 2 of the pre's. Then, I can eventually add another pre or 2 until I have 6.
As budget allows, add another rack and 2 more pres. Now you have 4 open slots in the new rack that you can add the API EQ's ;)

So for a little over $1500 you're into a nice pair of pre's that you that you can really build in to a world class rack.

OR if you just want a pair, you can always look here:
A little more expensive though.
Look at some "Old School Audio"..APIish..I don't have a link directly [www.atlasproaudio.com].Also the racks/lunchboxes are compatible with API..so you could add mods{line amps/compress/different flavors of pres} as you go..{I've never used these myself}Good luck
