Anyone want to mix something for me?


New member
Hey everyone i am new to protools and i am familiarizing myself with it, but i would just like to know if anyone would like to mix a session for me just to help me out so i can get different views of how people do it. Because i know mixing is all about the ear so maybe if i hear how someone else mixes it, than it can help me out. It seems for me its always easier to mix someone else's stuff. But thanks ahead of time i really hope some can help me. Maybe Pm me or whatever. Thanks.
Post up a link bud, I'm sure a few people will have a go, myself included, though it may take me about a week to get anything meaningful done.

Do you want it mixed specifically in Pro Tools? If not then you could post it up in the MP3 Clinic section, or elsewhere on the site to generate more interest.
ok man thanks, but i kind of wanted it done in pro tools so i can learn the protools better. But how to i put it in a link?
Zip up the folder containing the session, then upload to a site like yousendit or rapidshare or similar.

I'll mix in Pro Tools but I can't see how it is going to be a learning experience for you...
if you mixed it down for me in pro tools and then you saved it and sent it back as a session to me coudln't i open like that to see exactly what you did?
if you mixed it down for me in pro tools and then you saved it and sent it back as a session to me coudln't i open like that to see exactly what you did?

the only thing you'll see is any volume/pan information. MAYBE plugin settings depending on if he used the same plugins you have.

But seeing what someone did isn't going to teach you WHY he did it that way. You have to develop your ear by yourself. And the only way to do that is just to practice mixing on your own.

my $.02
the only thing you'll see is any volume/pan information. MAYBE plugin settings depending on if he used the same plugins you have.

But seeing what someone did isn't going to teach you WHY he did it that way. You have to develop your ear by yourself. And the only way to do that is just to practice mixing on your own.

my $.02

I agree.

I once found it beneficial to just sit behind someone more experienced than me to see how they went about things - I found it very useful however opening up someone else's session often doesn't teach much. You may learn a bit.

As for the plugins thing, I could just use all of the standard plugins which come with Pro Tools 8.