Anyone know an insert plugin with MIDI Learn or CC7 capabilities?

Dear Anyone.

I HOPE I've not posted this here before and can't find the original post - I suck at websites - so if I have, just tell me!

Hokay. I've got a notation DAW I love - Quick Score Elite Level 2. Nobody else has heard of it either! But its thing is - it uses CC commands for EVERYTHING. I've also got a lovely bunch of noisemaking VSTs that either don't use CC commands at all or else are SO sensitive that there's virtually no wiggle room between too quiet and TOO LOUD! Most of them are the former - don't use CC commands. Which is very annoying cos it means you can't use them on the whole as you can't automate them (as automation uses CC commands!)

If I had something I could shove on the channel that DID accept CC commands, I could use that to turn the sound up and down which is all I want to do. I know about Bluecat but that only works on Channel 1 reliably, on any other channel it keeps losing its settings and stopping working (SOMETIMES it'll stay working but not always by a long way and you have to keep resetting it.) Now you'd think there'd be loads of other plugins out there that use CC numbers/MIDI learn but I can't find any. I'm happy with 32-bit (as QSE is 32-bit, sorry for using an older DAW but it's notation and that's easier for me by far than loops and loop processing) or 64-bit (cos I've got JBRIDGE!)

Anyone know of anything? I don't care if it's called GAIN or VOLUME - they're the same in this instance - or if it nominally does something completely different - I'm pretty sure that if it's in the channel and accepting CCs of any number it'll t urn the channel up and down and that's allll I'm after. (Or has MIDI learn!)

All suggestions will be tried and the working suggestion will be thanked on bended knee - been searching for this particular Holy Grail for years!

Of course I'd lurve free - who wouldn't - but am happy to pay if there's a demo version I could try out first, to make sure the thing works with my DAW. (Would be nice if it wasn't hundreds.)

Yours respectfully

It is actually neither for MIDI, it is velocity.

If you are looking to edit it, take a look at this video, it might help you out or maybe I am off base here.