Another song of mine


New member

Another mix--feel free to post opinions and criticisms. May be a bit over compressed for some but I don't feel like it's pumping and I tried to make it as powerful as possible, which is really what I'm trying to make the listener feel; especially at the very end.

Also, a special request; this song desperately needs vocals! If anyone feels so inclined to lay down some vox I'd be absolutely jazzed at what you could come up with--especially because this type of song is quite a challenge to put vocals to.

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I was gonna say; call it "404"... :)

Compression doesn't necessarily bring power... It sounds more like a balance thing for me; the strings seem hot, and the 2nd percussion that comes in at 1:10 are clipping HUGE... The whole track is a bit over modulated. I like the progression that forms a brief bridge at about the 2:00 mark... Man, the end overdrove MASSIVELY. This really needs a remix. Do you have the raw, uncompressed individual tracks?

Needs some melodic idea to hold interest. I strongly suggest you visit my friend Martin at and listen to what Symphonic ELectronica sounds like when taken to an extrememly high level. Your stuff reminds me of him a little, but he'd have a piano melody as a counterpoint. Stuff like that.
Llarion said:
I was gonna say; call it "404"... :)

Compression doesn't necessarily bring power... It sounds more like a balance thing for me; the strings seem hot, and the 2nd percussion that comes in at 1:10 are clipping HUGE... The whole track is a bit over modulated. I like the progression that forms a brief bridge at about the 2:00 mark... Man, the end overdrove MASSIVELY. This really needs a remix. Do you have the raw, uncompressed individual tracks?

Needs some melodic idea to hold interest. I strongly suggest you visit my friend Martin at and listen to what Symphonic ELectronica sounds like when taken to an extrememly high level. Your stuff reminds me of him a little, but he'd have a piano melody as a counterpoint. Stuff like that.

Yeah I have all the uncompressed tracks--the only problem is I lost one of the sounds I originally used, which is why I haven't made a new mix yet.--It's the big swell sound a few moments before the chorus. I accidentally deleted some of my refills, it was off abstract atmosphere and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Also, I completely agree it needs some kind of melodic idea--I'm hoping for some vox to carry that part.

Martin's got some cool stuff over there, too.
SteelSpevenburg said:
Yeah I have all the uncompressed tracks--the only problem is I lost one of the sounds I originally used, which is why I haven't made a new mix yet.--It's the big swell sound a few moments before the chorus. I accidentally deleted some of my refills, it was off abstract atmosphere and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Also, I completely agree it needs some kind of melodic idea--I'm hoping for some vox to carry that part.

Martin's got some cool stuff over there, too.

You have a PM. :)
Steel....I just want to say...I have no idea what Llarion's PM is about. But in case you're a little skeptical or wondering who this guy is and why he might be trying to help you...Trust him!!! The man has no agenda and is all about sharing his incredibly huge amount of knowledge and experience. I've never enocountered someone with so much talent willing to just simply give. I know that sounds corny, but he's for real and knows his shit.
RAMI said:
Steel....I just want to say...I have no idea what Llarion's PM is about. But in case you're a little skeptical or wondering who this guy is and why he might be trying to help you...Trust him!!! The man has no agenda and is all about sharing his incredibly huge amount of knowledge and experience. I've never enocountered someone with so much talent willing to just simply give. I know that sounds corny, but he's for real and knows his shit.

Well damn. :) Thanks Rami!

And yes, his PM is about exactly what you think it's about. :)
Initial impression - cool sounding tune. I like the rhythmic things going on here, very cool man, very cool.

The drums when it really kicks in, are definitely clipping like mad. Really sounds harsh. I think it's from the compression.

If you can correct that, this would be a cool tune man. I can picture this as an intro to some high quality computer game, or some quentin tarantino movie.

If you're adding vocals, I'd like you to PM me a link when you add them. I'm curious to hear them. Thanks man.
packratlouie said:
Initial impression - cool sounding tune. I like the rhythmic things going on here, very cool man, very cool.

The drums when it really kicks in, are definitely clipping like mad. Really sounds harsh. I think it's from the compression.

If you can correct that, this would be a cool tune man. I can picture this as an intro to some high quality computer game, or some quentin tarantino movie.

If you're adding vocals, I'd like you to PM me a link when you add them. I'm curious to hear them. Thanks man.

Thanks for the comments bro, appreciated.

As for the drums, I originally wanted the effect of really harsh sounding, distorted drums to kick in (you know the part in the song). I recorded the drums at 2x the original speed, then slowed the recording down to half, and applied some tape distortion (which is what you guys are referring to as clipping, I believe.) The drum track never actually clips or even gets yellow. Go figure--anyway, I'll see if there's something I can do to acheive the same affect without people thinking it's just annoying and clipping.