analog 2 cd & computer upload


New member
Hello! and what a fabulous resource u have here.
My quiry ... I last recorded an album in 1974 for Capricorn Records. What I remember doesn't help me alot 'cause tape and vinyl were all there was. At any rate, I have three albums of material 2 record, and need 2 go 2 cd, and be able 2 upload 2 sites such as mp3 etc.. My budget is very small, and I hope 2 be able 2 use what I have and build on that. I still have my "tank", a Teac A3340S 4-track symul-sync, which has served me well, including doing albums for ABC. I need a decent mixer, I have never used noise reduction with my recorder [should I?], I can still do a decent mix, mastering is a question, and what are the best ways 2 take what I have, and get it 2 cd, and be able 2 upload? Oh, and only recently did I become computer "literate".
I realize I may sound hopeless, but I've done a lot in the music business, and I seem 2 have a knack for getting the most out of the least. Any and all input re the way out, or around, my dilemma, would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks! Ghostgirl
I own several vinly lp's from Capricorn records? Which artist are you?.
N-E ways in a nut-shell, are you trying to copy your lp's thru the computer's c/d burner? And if so,what sound card are you using?
Re:analog 2 cd 2 comp. upload

I'm trying 2 find out what I would need 2 take analog [tape] recordings, and transfer them 2 cd, and also be able 2 upload them 2 sites such as mp3. My reference 2 my last recording was 2 illustrate that I've been away from the business for quite a while, and I need 2 know what my options are 2 accomplish this. I don't have alot of cash I can put in2 this right now, and I hoping 2 find someone who can give me some insight as 2 whether or not I can do this without alot of money, and still have a decent product.
Ah ... let's see, the last album I did for Capricorn was 2 help out a Texas band we named "White Witch". I was using the name "Barbee" back then, instead of Ghostgirl or Sainte Steven. I did an album with the band "Fever Tree", and released three albums of my own on ABC Records & Grand Award Records. Those albums were titled "Sainte Steven"[the first] and "Saint Steven"[the second and third]. I hope I've been clearer this time. I do tend 2 ramble at times! Thanks again, Ghostgirl
Re: analog 2 cd and comp. upload

Hi again!
I only have my old Teac 4-channel mixer that I got right after I purchased the reel 2 reel. I wanted 2 get something much newer, and quieter, like one of the small Mackie units, but then I'd like 2 have a complete home studio too, and that's just not in the cards for awhile, maybe a year or more, and I really need 2 get product out while people want it, at least if I can do a decent job, and have a GOOD product. Thanks again, Ghostgirl
So, lessee....

I'm not 100% clear about whether you have stereo recordings today, or if you want to make recordings with your 4-track, but this part of the process is the same anyway, so it doesn't really matter. :)

When you get the finished product, you record it onto the PC. If you are recording on your 4-track, you use the PC instead of a master recorder when you mix down, basically. For this, you need a computer with a good soundcard and a CD-burner.

You record the songs to WAV-files on your PC. You need software to do this, and Cool Edit pro should do. You can download a 30 day evalutaion to try things out before you buy it.

You then use the software that came with the CD-burner to burn these WAV-files to an audio-cd, and you will be able to play it in any normal CD-player. Trés cool.

You also use Cool Edit to convert the WAV files into 128kbps MP3 files, which you then can upload to
Re:analog 2 cd etc.

Oui!! Tres cool!! Thanks 4 your patience, I now feel somewhat back in control of this. With what I've gleaned from other places on the Homerecording site, I know what I can accomplish. Thanks so much!! ghostgirl

I couldn't help but notice, and thought you might be interested in the following thread I started recently. Your tapes might be from the same era as mine, and could be suffering from the same problems (oxide-shedding). The solution(s) described in this thread really do work - I recently took delivery of one of the ovens mentioned in the thread, and have been able to start transcribing material from tape to CD.

Hope this helps -

- Wil
Hi Will!
Thanks a lot! I still have some of the original mix tapes from the "Sainte Steven" sessions, and I have been afraid 2 try and copy them [they're 33 years old!]. ghostgirl
Hey ghostgirl,for what it's worth, I have 2 Curtis Mayfield
and the Impressions cassettes,circa 1966&67,that I found a
coupla' months ago "rummaging" thru my mom's collection of
LP's,45's,8-tracks(my mom's NEVER throws n-e thing away)and
cassettes. I "borrowed" from her those 2 tapes as those old
recordings were classics. Not knowing whether those cassettes would disintegrate as soon as I popped them into my tape deck and pressed play,I demagnetized my tape heads,cleaned the capstan and rollers,and used a small air
pump to clean out any additional dust in the tape deck.I was all set to play those old cassettes,listen to the NATURAL studio reverb,mic'ed acoustic guitars, double mic'd drum kit,and listening to the soulful lyrics of Mr.Mayfield
while at the same time burning these classic cassettes,with
the ever-present hiss,snap,crackle and pop to c/d! Upon depressing the "play" button on my tape deck,the cassette
tape tightly wrapped itself around the capstans and rollers
and was instantly destroyed.D@mn,I didn't even get a chance
to hear the 1ST SONG!!!!.The tape was done!!! So what did I
do? I went out and bought the "Greatest Hits" anthology.
So what's my point? None! Just re-hashing a bad experience and practice my TYPING :)!
N-E ways,Good Luck!