Good energy on the track - shaker part panning gets annoying to me - but I return to my original thought about these kinds of tracks - what separates it form the other million
Techo tracks? - And once you gone one round of the verse - you know everything their is too know.
Good energy on the track - shaker part panning gets annoying to me - but I return to my original through about these kinds of tracks - what separates it form the other million
Techo tracks? - And once you gone one round of the verse - you know everything their is too know.
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to the track. Yes, I panned the shakers as I felt like the track was sounding a bit mono and I needed to do something about it. Maybe I should have kept it subtle I really appreciate your feedback. I'm really glad you liked the energy of the track. Also, I agree with you about the importance of originality in music!