alt/pop mp3 Opinions?


New member
I've been working with a buddy to get his band's material converted and uploaded. The songs were done with Pro Tools and Amp Farm. Check out "eraser" (or any others) and tell us what you think...

I listened to "eraser".

Pretty cool stuff. Moody. Reminds me of Radiohead, Weezer, and Beck with a touch of Pink Floyd. Good backing vocals, and an interesting thick-sounding guitar sound. And from what I can hear, the drums sound pretty natural and punchy. A good engineering job on the individual instruments, and on the arrangement (i.e. going from AM-radio to "full range"). I liked the fake "vinyl dust" sound, although it'll go over the heads of anyone under 20ish.

On the down side, the whole thing seems to be lacking top end to me. There's something "muffled" about the entire mix. Dunno, it might be my system, but I don't notice the same thing with most of the mp3s I listen to.


One word of advice for sure about Many people use the "similar artists" category to help them find bands. It's one of the fastest ways to narrow down the tens of thousands of bands out there. If I'm into Melissa Etheridge, for example, I can type her name into a Simlar Artists search and start with bands that list her as a similar artist. You're missing out on a lot of traffic by not putting any artists in there.

Just my $0.02

[This message has been edited by CharlesThomas (edited 06-28-2000).]
I litened to eraser as well, I like it alot. I really like the guitar sound you got. All the "effects" were cool too. The only suggestion/prefrence I have is I would like to hear more presense in the voice, it seems to far removed for my taste. The kick drum was a little to clicky for this kind of music, in my opinion. Overall good job though.


[This message has been edited by ametth (edited 06-28-2000).]
downloaded "eraser"....super good vocals, but to sorta echo Charles, something was missing, although I thought it was mid range instead of high end that needed a little boost, which might give the vocals the needed presence that ametth mentioned, but that's just an idea that popped into my head for some reason.....gibs
Lloyd, I streamed the lo-fi version (I'm at 56k at home.. ugh), so I won't even try to comment on the mix. I'll try and DL the hi-fi version at work and give input on the mix later... I would like to say I really dug the song. (Teddie shrugs his shoulders, "eh, I guess that wasn't much help...")
Hi Fi'd the whole page...

eraser is definitely the strongest tune. Very hooky chorus.

The mix is well...listening to all the tunes,
they all have a consistent's probably close to what you were after. I think it's a producers ear that would do things different, not that they need it mind you.

eraser is a strong song. :)
Thanks for the responses guys... I've passed these ideas along to them and I'll be sure to pass on any after this. Most people seem to favor eraser, but I prefer highrise apparently, as I catch myself humming it at work. I think it might be a hit, but I've heard it too many times to be objective.

I hate to comment on quality when listening to 128kbps MP3 :(. I DLed Highrise and Eraser, and the general mixes sounded pretty good on both.

Eraser: Loved the swirly guitar sounds. It really fits the tune, and that kind of thing is easy to do wrong. I originally felt the intro was a bit too drawn out... not fully kicking in 'til about 1:20, but I've changed my mind already. My ADD is now under control, and I like how it builds ;). The mix did sound "muffled" as CT put it. I'm a sucker for catchy pop-rock.

Highrise: I wonder if these guys have heard any Posies or 3 lb. Thrill. I'd really love to hear a 256kbps version of this ;). I'm a sucker for catchy pop-rock.
I heard 'eraser', I thought it was pretty darn good. I too, liked the background vocals, among other things. Catchy chorus, too........Good job.