Adjectives to describe microphones


New member
I have collected an assortment of adjectives I have seen used on this forum to describe how microphones sound. Here they are:

crisp, big, thin, fat, smooth, rich, bassy, edgy, boxy, warm, punchy, airy, natural, intimate, mellow, cold, accurate, brash, true, breathy, smooth finish, harsh, sheen, intimate, creamy (huh?), magical, enchanted, nasal, brassy, and the grand champion of them all..............rasberries in spring....!

Are there more?????
I like "phoney" a lot, but "expensive" or "cheap" comes to mind, as does "life-changing" and "iridescent (aka colorful)".....
academic forgiving proud
accurate formal prudent
active frank purposeful
adaptable friendly quick
adventurous generous quiet
affectionate gentle rational
aggressive good-natured realistic
alert healthy reflective
ambitious helpful relaxed
analytical honest reliable
artistic humorous reserved
assertive imaginative resourceful
attractive independent responsible
bold individualistic retiring
broad-minded industrious robust
businesslike informal self-confident
calm intellectual self-controlled
capable intelligent sensible
careful introspective sensitive
cautious inventive serious
charming kind sharp-witted
cheerful liberal sincere
clear-thinking light-hearted sociable
clever likeable spontaneous
competent logical spunky
competitive loving stable
confident loyal steady
conscientious mature strong
conservative methodical strong-minded
considerate meticulous supportive
consistent mild tactful
cool moderate teachable
cooperative modest tenacious
courageous motivated thorough
curious natural thoughtful
daring obliging tolerant
deliberate open-minded tough
determined opportunistic trusting
dignified optimistic trustworthy
discreet organized unaffected
dominant original unassuming
eager outgoing understanding
easygoing painstaking unexcitable
efficient patient uninhibited
emotional persevering verbal
energetic pleasant versatile
fair-minded poised warm
far-sighted polite wholesome
firm practical wise
flexible precise witty
forceful progressive zany
"Chinese "!, I love this guy to death! C7, you're relentless! But that's only part of your charm!

Now, I'll reveal this knowing I may suffer great personal difficulty...
I've always prefered a mic that yielded a.....well, a right-wing sort of characteristic. Kind of a "suppressed far-east" ambience!

Is that guy Condit a republ.....oh nevermind!:D
I fine microphone should capture the brooding intensity of a tone, while allowing the proper splash of pesky insouciance to dance forth unfettered.

Just my opinion.
If danny dover dashed a drove of dreaded thread girls,
how many girls did danny dover dash?

BTW - Cutting thru the red tape here....where can I get a mic that'll make me sound like Steve Perry?
The SP C-1 or the SP T-3.

I have it from good source that the SP in actuality stands for "Steven Perry"
What amazes me is that folks put such a low value on their efforts as to use the cheapest stuff available.........

Ya ever heard of a fucking budget!

Sometimes I buy paperbacks instead of hardbound books. Am I a tight wad? No...I'm on a budget.

Spent my earliest years wrenching on cars. Bought Craftsmen before investing in SnapOn. Was I a tight wad or unsure of my skills? No...I was on a budget.

I spend 80min a day getting to work and back. Bought a used Concorde to do it, instead of a new Lincoln or Beemer. Am I a tight wad or do I under value my time spent traveling? No! ....I'm on a budget.

I suspect alot of folks looking for inexpensive alternatives to one component or another are focussed at that time on a higher-end purchase in another area. Why? Well, they're probably on a BUDGET.
I didn't order a Mackie or track down an ADAT at first. Couldn't afford anything better than Samson mic's or an Epi Les Paul at first. Concentrated on building a computer platform to give myself an even playing field. But I still had the desire to learn and to try.

Does this mean I value my efforts less than the next guy? Nope....
means I've got a mortgage and a car payment and an addiction to eating a couple squares a day. And I think I feel one of those budget thingies lurking around the corner.

Oh yeah, I bought 2 SP C1's. Guess now a I'm self-valuless, oppressive commie!

As for the grass thing.....did I wantonly murder my lawn? Do I value it so little that I over fertilized it? Does this make me a dumbass? Maybe. BITE ME ANYWAY!!!!

BTW - I rescind my offer to buy you a beer if in Looeyville. If you're so fucking loaded, you should fly me out there and buy me a beer!
c7sus said:
When you see how many threads start out ..... "Best for under $200....." then you begin to realize that the price is more important than the sound......

I interpret these posts as saying quite the opposite C7. It's not a matter of people wanting to get off as cheap as they can. Were that the case, they would just sing through their headphones.

To me this says that a person only has so much money to spend, and, they place a lot of importance on the sound. They're trying to find the very best sound their $200 will buy.

$3,000 mics are just not an option for everyone. Even $500 dollar mics are not an option for everyone.

Maybe a 200 dollar mic will not have the longevity of a Neumann but at least people will be recording in the interim. And, maybe in the future when the cheapie conks out, they can afford the Neumann, or better yet, Some newer better lower priced mics.

What's wrong with advancement? I remember when Satellite TV antennas first came out. They were expensive, and large. My dad said to me: "In a few years the Japanese will be making one that will set on top of your TV for $20." It's definitely moved in that direction. The units now built are much much smaller, and much much cheaper.

I don't understand the hoopla over having to pay less. There have been some nice mics built lately for much less than you would have to pay for the same quality a few years ago. Professionals in the industry like Harvey and Dot have confirmed this. So it's not just a bunch of non-trained ears, like mine, that are verifying this.

What's the big deal? It provides a lot of us with some viable options. It's the best quality we can get with our meager budgets. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.

I apologize for the above tangent, but damn......

It's not that difficult to figure out, is it?
Some folks are able to spend more than others. I'm just a hobbiest. Alot of us are.

If my little angel won the lottery I could upgrade myself to "Seriously outta control Fanatic". And I would! Studio of my dreams! Hell Harvey as consultant, Tubedude as engineer, Me as the chinese laborer, c7 to wire it all up, Sonus and Monte could give the blessing and Clayt..scuze me, S8-N could perform the cristening.
And now I see that fox, Rachel Hunter rising out of the mist...."You're Dreaming!"

But as a hobbiest rather than a pro, I'm all over a viable, lesser cost alternative to everything..

P.S. - there is no substitue for Captain Crunch!
You da man, Zeke! Wouldn't want anyone else for such an exacting position. $250,000 a year and unlimited refills from the in-house Sam Adams tap. Full benefit package and "No Caning" contract.
Gotta do sumthin' about that hair, though! :D
Maybe I can get me one of those helmets like you have.

That reminds me of my boss in the late 70's. I was working at a grocery store, and I would never get a haircut until my boss got mad and told me to go get one.

And, he wasn't even paying me 250 grand a year. Just keep in mind that Rachel enjoys it when I towel her off with my hair. :D