Acid Pro 4.0


New member
Where can i find good VST Plug-Ins?

When i use the Buses, how many should i use, and how should i set my vocals with it? Should i Do Main Vocals in Bus A, dubs in Bus B, what about my Reverbs and Addlibs? Should i use Bus B and C for them?

I have been using acid pro 4.0 for about 4 years now, im just now starting to use the Buses, a friend of mine was telling about using Buses makes mixing a little more easy. I just need some advice on how i should go about using them.
Check this site out for some freebie plugins..

How you use your busses will ultimately depend on what you find most useful but I'll offer examples on how I work with them.

I occasionally use a bus as an effects send. To do this I can assign the bus to my sound cards SPDIF output and send the signal digitally to a hardware FX unit. Or do the same with an analog output.
Since I mix on an analog mixing console I like to group up all the vocal tracks to one bus, the drums and percussion to another bus and bass to it's own bus. Those busses are sent to the analog outputs of my card and then on to the mixer.

Another good use for them is for when you have several takes for one part on different tracks. The bus makes it easy for you to apply the exact same EQ or compression settings to all those takes, since you want them to all sound the same in the end. You can apply the plugin FX to busses the same as for tracks.
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