A question about the song Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress

HAL 9000

New member
I want to know how Allan Clarke of the Hollies made his voice sound like it was in a large room and reverberate during the song Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress.
I think it was plate reverb. on mono recordings, they just used a send, but during the dawn of stereo, the technique was dry vocals on a large condensor facing forward with a small condensor mic above the large condenser and tilted down in a 45 degree angle. The small condenser was fed to the plate.

Another Back in the day thing that even exists today is the reverb room at Capital. I don't have pictures on the basement rooms, but in there there are spots marked with tape on the floor where they would set up microphones for the reverb setups on different albums. Here is an article I found on it: The Secret of that Capitol Studios Sound. | A Continuous Lean.