A Cheaper Mini-Moog?


New member
As all of you know - the Mini Moog is expensive. Are there any keyboards out there that come close to it for less (old or new)?
Is the neptune a keyboard? None of those others are actual keyboards/synths.

Thanks for the help.
Fury said:
None of those others are actual keyboards/synths.

Aw. Now you tell me. And all this time I thought my Waldorf Pulse was real, but now I find out it was all a sham. A great sounding sham, but a sham nonetheless!

And you're certainly welcome, even though I kinda dectect a note of sarcasm in that thank you...
No sarcasm at all...didn't mean it.

I just need a keyboard. Thats my preference. So are there any keyboards out there that are less than the Mini Moog that have some sounds like the Mini Moog?
Not one.

Roland XV-2020 with the Vintage Keys card comes close on a couple of patches.

There's some soft-synth equivalents which are passable also. Arturia make one.
Fury said:
No sarcasm at all...didn't mean it.

I just need a keyboard. Thats my preference. So are there any keyboards out there that are less than the Mini Moog that have some sounds like the Mini Moog?

Moog Source is a 2 oscillitor synth with a bit of the Mini grunt, and 16 programmable memories. Typically goes for 600 bucks. No MIDI, and squidgy membrane buttons that are prone to failure.

The new Moog Voyager is obviously a superb choice with modern spec, MIDI, tons of features, tons of memories... and 2500 bucks.

While not really too Moogish, an older Korg Prophecy is a kicky VA monosynth that can do a lot of great sounds. It sounds plasticky, but cool. I have its big polyphonic brother the Z1 and I love it.

Access Virus Indigo is pretty decent for a VA. It can get Moogish tones and more.

The Alesis Ion is pretty faithful to the Moog sound... well, for a VA board. Don't confuse VA with the real thing.

The original Nord Lead I is pretty good, and it's polyphonic to boot. Used prices around 650. The Nord II sounds less like an analog than the I, probably due to the DAC.

While not too Moog sounding, the Roland Juno 60 or Juno 106 are classic polysynths that sound amazing. When you say Minimoog I'm not 100% convined you mean "MINIMOOG" or just analog sounds, hence the recommendation.

The Sequential Circuits Pro-One is a kicky little monosynth that is superior to the Minimoog in most respects. Crappy feeling keyboard, no MIDI and no memories, but boy does it sound amazing! I have its bigger brother the Prophet 5 and it is one of the most powerful synths ever conceived by man.

The Roland SH101 is always good for a whirl. Sounds more electronic and less organic than a Minimoog, but spits out bass like it was going out of style. A classic monosynth that is great fun. Impossible to get a bad sound out of it.

Hopefully this helps. Chances are you should look for something newer rather than vintage synths because I can tell that you aren't too wise in the ways of all things analog... and given their high cost, maintenance and limitations the antique synths are best left to people that are prepared to deal with the pain of owning a 20 or 30 year old synthesizer.

Happy hunting!
Thanks for the reply. That is perhaps the most thorough and intuitive reply I have ever had.
Thank you very much!