424 mkIII vs. 464? Differences?

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Ok, guys, I have about a total of $400 dollars to spend on a 4-track. I have found a 464 and a new 424 mkIII on ebay for good prices, so far at least, and I was wondering what the differences are between the models if anyone knows? Thanks guys!!
as well as......

Also, how would a 644 stack up to these and any suggestions on which one would be best overall for recording stuff like demos, practice tapes, ect. thanks!!
I bought a 234 on ebay,The best audio quality in a cassette 4 track deck.It is so overlooked by cassette based home recordists. I have even seen new leftover models sell for 200.00. When you consider it sold for 1600.00 not that many years ago it is well worth checking out
All right, thanks Hot Rocks. The only downside, I just bought a 424 MkIII, but it was new, so hopefully it will at least do me to learn on until I am ready to probably go digital, but whether it will be a portable studio or not, I don't know, but that's beside the point. Again, thanks. Anyone else for future reference?
424mk III

I just bought a 424mkIII, and in my opinion its the best 4 track for your money. I use it as a mixer for my bands PA system and as a multitrack recorder. For a beginner its pretty user freindly, and the manual has some helpful recording techniques in it. The 464 is okay, but having the 2 sepparate channels plus the stereo channel on the 424 make it much more useful, and it has 4 balanced XLR inputs!
The downside is the external power blob you have to carry arround. I would also suggest getting a case for your 4track. The 424 feels delicate to me for some reason.
-good luck
Sounds cool!!!

Hey Pudgy!! Thanks for your reply. I'll be using mine for somewhat of a mixer for pa useage as well until we can get our Mackie , of which may be a little while!!! :D My 424, according to the Fed Ex tracking thingy, should be here tomorrow, so I'm really excited!! We'll be doing some demos and I also plan to use mine as a songwriting tool as well, so I'll probably get quite a bit of use out of it, as well. Again, thanks for your reply and email me or something if you find out any cool little "tips." Have a groovy day!!

Just a casual FYI - When my friend used a 464 to record his album with, it was fairly clean - cleaner then my 424 MkII (not the MK III) - but you can only really do two channels at a time.

424 - you can lay down 4 individiual tracks with the faders. I think with the 464 what was on track 1 went on to track 3 and 2/4 as well unless we recorded it afterwards.

424III vs 464

The 464 has 4 single channels and 2 stereo channels, which I think are refered to as 5/6 and 7/8. If memory serves me right on the 464 you have to rely on panning to assign what track the stereo channels are assigned to, but when you assign them to a track they become mono. There might be anouther stereo channel on the 464, I cant remember.
The 424III has 6 single channels and one stereo channel that gose to the master mix and can be assigned to the master section but not a single track (1-4). Channel 5 can be assigned to track 1 or 3 and ch 6 to 2 or 4. So you could use the stereo ch to bring in a CD/Keybord/Or even a outboard mixer, but I'm not sure what happens when you are multitracking and not just using the 424III as a mixer.

One sort of cool thing I'm doing with the 424III, is using it as a pa mixer and recorder, at the same time.
I run channels 1-3 with mikes for vocals and pan them hard left. I then run my left main output to the amp/speakers, and I have the pa set in mono.
Then I use channels 4-6 panned hard right to record with. What you can do is mix ch 4, 5 and 6 to track 4 and you can get a nice practice recording (in mono). Ive been using a single omni mike in the ceiling, so we could listen to our practices.
You could also add mike or line in from the pa to inhance the vocals a bit, or even put a third mike over the drums if your amps are far away etc etc.
Have fun with it, rock on baby!