1st MP3 Whata think?

I like it a lot. Not sure what style it is- which is good. Kinda jazzy. Good beat, nice and tight. Good musicianship. I'm 41, which means I would like to be able to understand the lyrics a little better. If the lyrics are as good as the rest you're on to something. I think a very subtle medium delay on the vocal would be kinda neat. Good work! PEACE kmar
yeah kmar nailed it with the vocals and some verb or maybe coming up in the mix or both....very tight playing and sounded good...snare might could have some verb too to give it some roominess....good tune...gibs

[This message has been edited by gibs (edited 07-29-2000).]
Very cool tune, supper....
I'd call this one a Funk/Rock song with a bit of influence by The Police.
The tune kept breaking up on me, but from what I heard, the recording quality sounded quite good. The bass sounded and felt great and the drums sounded awesome. :)
I really liked this song alot, and I, too am close to 40 years old... so I guess you've wrapped up the senior citizens vote around here! :)