DIY Sound Panels + Studio Pics

Anomaly Design

New member
Hey everyone, I never really posted anything on this board worth reading so I figured why not show off my new sound panels! I live on a farm in NJ and my dad works in construction. My entire studio is second hand; these panels I just made, the walls, roof, brick floor....everything. Even most of my instruments lol. Here is my list of materials:

R19 (x10). Its 3 1/2 inches, 15.5x93 or so inches.
Red Burlap. 52" by however I cut it.
Wood panels (x10). I forget the exact name but they are a flimsy composite used under cedar shakes for wall exteriors.
Spool of wire.
Hot glue gun.
Screws for hanging.


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So I started by preping my work area. Got a table, laid my cut burlap on it. You can see some of the wood composite stuff on the right in this pic. At this point they already of two wires in there which I poked through and twisted together. Also, I peeled the R19 from its paper backing.


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I took the peeled R19 and folded it, making it 15"x48"x7"! Laid it ontop of the cut burlap, then placed the wood composite thingy on top, with the twisted parts of wire facing down. I didn't get pictures of the glueing but I first hit the narrow sides with globs in the middle, then the longer sides, holding the burlap to it immediately after because the glue drys very fast. then lined a side with glue, patted it down. Did that for each side.


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Here is the turkey that wouldn't shut the F** up the whole process. I told you I live on a farm, and yes its in NJ.


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Once I got on a roll, each panel took approximately 15 minutes. I kept going until the sun went down. The next day I made 3 more.


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And here is the finished product, I already had a few rigid fiberglass panels built, thanks to stuff I've read on this board.


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This studio definitely has more work needed, I will be making 3 more rigid panels plus 3 more bass traps. But look how far its come! There is a very long story behind this studio, but to cut it short... It was a tool shed, I cleaned it and turned it into a studio. I moved out. My apartment burned down :(!!!!!!!. I moved back home and am resuming work, but I dad raised his baby chickens in there so I had to clean it again (I know, wtf, right?!)


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Things I don't have pictures of:
Sealing the brick floor
Installing 6 outlets
Hammering/stapling plywood walls in
Installing drop ceiling. This drop ceiling also has loose fiberglass inside it ;). Thanks to all you members years ago that contributed vital info... without even knowing it!

And since my apartment burned down with all my equipment inside, there is nothing really in this studio. But when there is more to show, then more you'll see.
Cool Stuff! I would recommend a minor investment (not really related to recording).. but some lens cleaning paper and clean your camera lens. :rolleyes::)