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  1. C

    Mic Choice/Placement Advice

    I was recently hired at a rehearsal "barn" with a studio in it. Our band gets unlimited studio time, and we want to begin recording a DIY EP. Our mic choices are as follows: 2 Shure KSM44's, 3 Sennheiser E604's and 1 Shure Beta 52A. The drumset is a PDP with one rack tom, one floor tom, hi hat...
  2. C

    Tips On A Mix Of My Own?

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a job at a small studio nearby and, being completely self-taught, have had to figure out everything myself. I also had to go from Logic Pro 8 on my MacBook, to Sonar 7 on a PC. Our good friends band wanted to record one of their songs, which I offered to do. I did...
  3. C

    MIDI Drum Trigger/Module/Interface Problem

    Hello, Yesterday, while setting up to record my bands EP, we were setting up the trigger for the kick drum. We wanted to use the midi out for this, instead of the audio out because it gave us different velocity hits. We plugged the trigger into a Yamaha DTExpress, and then used the MIDI Out...
  4. C

    Recording a drum set with individual parts/tracks?

    Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to the website, and its already helped me out so I'm hoping this can be explained to me also: I have been working on recording drums lately, and the last time I did, was for my friend's local band. I was using a mixer, with 5 mics plugged in, 2 overheads, a snare, a...