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  1. K

    A simple Midi Question!

    How do i get my PC (FL Studio) to tell my keyboard (Korg M50) which sounds to play? I can get midi channel 1 working fine but how do I assign all the other channels and their sounds...... Thanks
  2. K

    Sound Problems

    The sound on my PC sounds compressed almost like there is a volume limiter on it (which there isnt). I notice it more when using FL Studio on playback and even when I 'render' to an mp3 file. As you listen to a track the sound comes and goes and becomes more noticable when the sound builds /...
  3. K

    FL Studio & Korg M50

    I have been using FL Studio 8 for about a year and I'm really pleased with the results so far. I use all the built in sounds and my keyboard is used just to input midi. I have now just bought a Korg M50 and I would like to combine the flexabilty of FL Studio and the new fab sounds on the Korg...