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  1. S

    Too much feedback w/POD Live

    Anyone here use a POD live? I'm plugging mine (POD 2.0) into the PA (Mackie) and it sounds great - but I can't get it loud enough before it starts to spew this really nasty shrill feedback. Any of you got a cure for this? Thanks, Ken
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    sloppy MIDI timing on XP

    I finally installed Windows XP on my system (dual boot w/Win98). I'm running VST 5.2 on both OS's and the MIDI timing is *much* worse on XP. My soundcard is Layla 20. Is this a known issue/is there a fix?
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    Lurker crawls out of the shadows

    Well I finally got the guts to open up my trenchcoat and expose myself (pardon the crude analogy - but the feeling is quite exhibitionist). If you have a moment, please let me know what you think about "Don't Look Back" at Also - a few questions: It appears that...
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    Live Vocal Mic

    I have a C-1 that I use in the studio and really like it, but I don't want to take it on the road. What would you consider to be the C-1 (or V67) equivalent (price/value/sound quality) for a live mic. I used to use an SM57, but that technology is so old - I'm thinking there must be some new...
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    Studio Projects mic pre

    Has anyone heard or reviewed Allan Hyatt's new baby yet? How about the one from FMR? I'm one of the many extremely happy owners of a C1 mic, and I'm just crossing my fingers that the channel strip will be the same sort of breakthrough. There was lots of speculation before these units came...
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    Alesis (GT) AM-61

    Are any of you familiar with this mic? I got a line on a pretty good deal ($400) in a local music rag, and I remember when they first came out they got pretty good reviews - but a lotta water under the bridge since then. Thanks