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    'Crazy' Gnarls Barkley Cover

    My band recorded a cover of Gnarls Barkley's 'Crazy' for a college assignment. Did it all here in the basement, let me know what you think! Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover) - The Baxters - YouTube
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    The Baxters, Live EP Footage.

    To promote our newly released EP, my band recorded a live set in our jam space fully mic'd. We shot it from 5 different angles, including 2 camera phones taped to our guitars. A lot of work was put into this, I hope you enjoy!
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    The Baxters!

    I met these guys in college and put this band together about a month ago. We play progressive/alternative rock. We're currently recording and planning on releasing an EP by Christmas. People seem to dig us around the city/college so we're starting to land show opportunities, which is exciting...
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    Blues driven, roots rock/folk

    Really cool stuff from my band Big Frasier. Check it out, it was all recorded live (aside from some lead vocals done after on the louder songs). We're slowly starting to pick up more gigs, and this CD is selling fairly well. I would greatly appreciate some honest feedback from you guys! Ps...
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    Hotel Knucklehead

    So, I've known these guys for yeeeeearrrs. We were huge into this band back in 2006 and 2007 when we were like 16 years old in high school haha. We've parted a bit but reunited this summer for some partying and random gigs haha. I decided we should record out new song over the summer, as we...
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    The Lucas Project Eager for your feedback! Thanks :)
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    Check out Mcdeath.

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    Weird Fishes/Arpeggi Radiohead Cover.

    This is my favorite song, from Radiohead's last album In Rainbows, one of my favorite albums (which was extremely well produced in my opinion). I took the time to learn every part and record them, then I had my singer do the vocals. This is probably my favorite cover I've done. I was only able...
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    Deep acoustic song

    This is one of the first mix's I'm fairly happy with. Give me some feedback as too what you think of it/what I could do to improve it, thanks! next on my agenda I'm gonna work on the guitar a bit.
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    Care to critique this mix I'm pretty happy with what I have now, but I'd like to see what some more experienced people have to say. I'm a little iffy with the vocals, too loud/too quiet? I might just be paranoid.
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    Drum Midi's.

    Drum Vst's. I record my acoustic drum kit standard with all the mics and stuff. But for one song I want my kit to sound electric-ish. Is there a vst that I could apply to certain drums that would make them sound more like a digital beat used in hip hop ect.
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    Final Goodbyes

    My guitar player wrote this after his grandfather passed away. We produced it, here it is.
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    Some new stuff

    This is a poppy song with a cool mellow part in the middle. We recorded one of the lead vocal tracks in a very echoey staircase at my school. Just hauled a couple stands, mics, firepod, laptop in there one night. It's fun experimenting with different places...
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    Hooking up my keyboard to my computer for Midi use

    I've got an old yamaha keyboard. (Yamaha PSR 172). We've been using it for strings over our songs, but I would just mic it being lazy lol. It has a midi output and input. So today I bought some midi cables hoping to start recording strings a more proper way. I use a Presonus Firepod as an...
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    Track Loudness

    Yes, I'm well aware of the loudness wars. I love dynamics and all, but I need one of my tracks to be nice and loud for something. At the loudest chorus theres something like 3 guitars (4-5 tracks), drums (6 tracks), 4-5 vocals (4-5 tracks) bass, and handclaps lol. It's probably not as packed as...