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  1. P

    Some beats I made

    Hi, Wanted to share some beats I've made. I'm more into the dub step kind of thing :). Sorry about the cracks on the first track the electrician came to change some cables and now I'm getting all kinds of static here and there :(. Best regards & good wishes, :D PK
  2. P

    Entry level 5.1

    Hi, I'm studying if I can create sfx/music in 5.1 . How should I get started? I'm thinking if there exists special earphones for that, so I could get started and not have to invest in monitors / studio acoustics so much at this stage. Best regards & good wishes, Pekka
  3. P

    SM57 problem with piano

    Hi, After struggling a few years, I finally got a good sound out of my acoustic piano with a borrowed SM57, when I placed the mike under the keyboard about 50 centimeters from the strings. However, the signal is really weak so that I have to amplify a lot to get decent levels, so I get some...
  4. P

    Admiral Bab

    Next one in my series of my imaginary island music: :D The story: Admiral bab discovered Kanaru Island when his space ship accidentally crashed there. Admiral Bab is friend of all animals, especially cats. The islanders listen in awe as the...
  5. P

    I dedicate this song to all sofa lovers. Also comments / suggestions welcome! :) Enjoy, :D PK
  6. P

    Anyone with fresh ears at the moment? :D

    Yo fellas, :D Something I'm working on: How's the bass coming along? Any suggestions? Best regards, PK
  7. P

    Whom to contact if technical problems with forum?

    I hope this is not a very stupid question, but who should I contact if something is not working or I notice a technical problem in this forum? Best regards, PK :)
  8. P

    No quantization challenge

    Hi this is my first post here my name PK da Silva. I wanted to share with you something I did while back with my ex-girlfriend. Absolutely no MIDI quantization was used :D nor any kind of warping or corrections. I challenge you to send something similar... OK it didn't allow me to publish the...