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  1. F

    Cheese Supreme

    here's a track for an upcoming EP. it's about nachos. vocals arent down yet but any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  2. F

    death kangaroo

    heres my file, feedback would be greatly apprectiated.......but our amps arent loud enough for feedback BAAAAAAAAHA.
  3. F

    funbox needs audio interface

    hi all, looking into getting an audio interface for about $400US. any suggestions as to the best choice? we want at least 4 inputs, but the more the merrier as they say. as THEY ALL SAY! we've been looking at a delta 1010. wataya say? good choice? or is there anything else similar input wise or...
  4. F

    generally need help with everything.

    Hi there, I'm new to both the forums and recording in general and was wondering if I could get some advice. I'm trying to master a (currently) instrumental grunge/heavy blues track with the intention of putting some vocals on later. all of my attempts however are ending in the mix sounding...