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  1. Horkin My Lunch

    Strange Ezdrummer/PT8 Glitch

    I'm not really sure how to explain this, but I've been having some troubles with EZdrummer in Pro Tools 8. For example, when I try to move the faders in the EZdrummer mixer, it starts acting like I double clicked the fader: It does the same thing on every fader when I try to move them up or...
  2. Horkin My Lunch

    Optimizing for Headphone Mixing

    I currently don't have a pair of monitors, just a pair of DT 770s. I'm not sure if it even exists (other than Redline), but are there any stereo or EQ tweaks that would give a better picture of everything? Basically, having the mix stand in front of you rather than in your head.
  3. Horkin My Lunch

    Does any company make "phil collins" drum samples?

    I know I could just record and do some gating, but I don't want it to feel like a live performance. I need a more robotic feel, kind of like Intruder by Peter Gabriel. I want the huge snare and big-ass toms without the bottom heads on. Stuff like that.
  4. Horkin My Lunch

    Pro Tools Consolidate DAE Error

    I'm trying to consolidate some tracks, and I keep getting a DAE error -7401 message. Does anybody know what in gods name is going on?
  5. Horkin My Lunch

    Getting a huge guitar sound.

    I don't know what it is, but no matter how much I futz around with mic placement and the amps EQ, I can never get a big guitar sound. I recently had a guitarist double track (only one guitarist in the band) and had the first signal go out to two separate amps and the second track in the center...
  6. Horkin My Lunch

    Getting a huge guitar sound.

    I don't know what it is, but no matter how much I futz around with mic placement and the amps EQ, I can never get a big guitar sound. I recently tracked a band by having the guitarist do two guitar tracks, one signal going out to two different amps, and the doubled guitar for the center. A good...
  7. Horkin My Lunch

    ["Tape" Thread] Does this tape recorder exist?!

    I've been wanting to add some kind of tape to my mixes, but I wasn't sure if I could. Is there a compact tape recorder with ins and outs?
  8. Horkin My Lunch

    Recommend a fairly inexpensive solid state amp for abrasive tones

    Lately, I've been into really nasty, clangy, scratchy, trebly tones a la Gang of Four, Big Black, and Rapeman. I'm not too well versed in the realm of solid state amps, but I know there are plenty that don't sound like ass (well, sort of, but not like the ass of some crappy SS practice amp, the...
  9. Horkin My Lunch

    Most effecient way of setting up drum sounds w/ analog gear.

    When I say "drum sounds", I mean the overall sound of the drums you're trying to achieve with compressors or EQs before whatever you're tracking to (tape, pro tools, etc.). I don't EQ going in, but I'm having difficulty being time efficient when setting up sounds. So, Home Recording Forums, what...
  10. Horkin My Lunch

    SM57 mod/stock comparison clips?

    I can't seem to pinpoint it, but I'm looking to clips comparing the transformerless SM57 and stock SM57. I was thinking about modding one of mine, but I want to hear the difference before hand.
  11. Horkin My Lunch

    Here, have an MP3.

    My friend's band recently recorded a few new songs at the studio, so I'm posting it here. I'd be hard pressed to describe exactly what they sound like, but they have been compared to bands like Slint and Deftones (which I thought was a little weird). I left out the vocals because the vocalist...
  12. Horkin My Lunch

    Vocal recording + clipping woes.

    Yesterday, I was recording a band, and everything was going smoothly until it came to vocals. The vocalist has a range of soft passages to shouts (I say "shouts" because it's not exactly a scream, but it's fairly close) and I was having a hell of a time trying to bring that in without clipping...
  13. Horkin My Lunch

    A dumb question. (Amp and cab in separate rooms)

    I've seen a few videos of studio sessions (I'd give you a video example, but apparently I have to have 5 posts to do so) where the amp is in the control room, separate from the cab. How is this done? I'd like to know because it seems like it would be a lot more convenient to dial in a preferred...