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  1. T

    See that there tubescreamer? throw it away

    i happened to stumble across the most amazing OD pedal over the weekend. Its pretty much a tubescreamer clone but the opamp is socketed and it comes with 3 different opamps for you to swap and change at will to get your desired sound. It has also got 3 different modes per chip. anyway enough...
  2. T

    Killer From The Deep (Evile Cover)

    I'm posting this not to show off or anything. I'm posting this to say this is where i'm at now with my recordings/mixes and i would like to improve and would like pointers as to what areas i should focus on. Killer From The Depp For this i used a Ibanez RGA42FM with bare knuckle pickups into...
  3. T

    Setting track tempo via midi Adobe audition 3

    I used to absolutely love audition and used it right up until i started using a lot of vstis as audition didnt support it. I have noticed that audition 3 does now support it i have tried doing my recordings but have problems when it comes to track tempos I use midi for all my bass & drums in...