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  1. H

    How to get good sounding midi:

    Hey - How do you get "good" sounding midi? Does it just depend on the quality of your soundcard? Or, do people use their computer to compose midi, and then send the midi sequence to a compatible synth? So, for example, maybe you could use a synth +/- a midi compatible drum machine? Thanks...
  2. H

    Thinking about gear to buy ... again!!!

    Ok, here goes -- Just because there's a PC in the house, doesn't mean you have to use it for making your own music, does it?? I used to think so! What I mean is this: Why bother killing yourself over recording to a PC -- why is it necessary to get the awesome soundcards, software, etc. Then...
  3. H

    Newbie shopping list

    Hello all: This site is great -- I've learned so much in just a few days! I have two basic questions: 1) Our household has two pentium based computers, one of which we're going to dedicate to digital recording. To start off, we're recording bass and guitar, possibly phasing in some drums and...