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  1. J

    should I buy a gibson les paul studio or a gibson les paul standard ?

    its time to buy a new guitar =) well, its time to start saving money to buy a new guitar with! I really want a gibson les paul, but which to go for? studio or standard? i know most people will say 'go and try them out and see which one you like best' which im going to do anyway, but what i...
  2. J

    whats your setup and what do you plan on getting next

    just to see what ppls setups are like in here =) and to see what they are gonna get next well, for me software wise its protools m-powered 7.1 reason 2.5 ableton live plugin wise i use fm8 and battery3 and the waves ssl mostly hardware wise, pc 2gb ram 620 meg of harddrive space a 22"...