Search results

  1. M

    Cubase LE automation

    I'm having problems replacing existing automation in Cubase LE. For example, I did the first automation controlling the program with the mouse. Now I'm using an external device to control the faders, etc. I did an automation as an experiment with the external device and it came out fine...
  2. M

    Daisy Chain Alesis io 26

    Has anyone ever daisychained two Alesis io 26's together? Tech support said you could, but the direct hardware monitoring software would only control one, the other one, you would control manually. If you have done this let me know how it went. Thanks
  3. M

    Token Black Guy

    This is my band playing an instrumental. Recorded us playing all together, all in one take, no scratch tracks, etc. Three piece, guitar, bass and drums. I'm new to recording, so let me know how it sounds...
  4. M

    Token Black Guy

    This is my band playing an instrumental. Recorded us playing all together, all in one take, no scratch tracks, etc. Three piece, guitar, bass and drums. I'm new to this, so let me know how it sounds. Thanks...
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    Shure PG52

    Are these decent for kick? Someone is offering a pretty low price on one, and I need a kick drum mic. What do you think?
  6. M

    tom vibration

    I'm getting this bullshit vibration through my tom mics, i have two of them rigged on my drummers toms with those drum mic clips. i notice when he plays the kit, they are in constant motion, shaking slightly. I guess I'll have to use stands instead of those clips, unless anyone else knows...